Lion Den

The Lion Den is comprised of kindergarten-aged kids. This is the youngest that a boy can be to join the Cub Scouts.

The requirements for this den are fairly light and easily achievable, but it gives your child a great introduction into the world of Scouting.

Lions participate in ALL pack activities, including camping, pinewood derby, etc.

At this age, a parent or designated guardian must attend all Scouting events with their child.

Lion Adventures:

Lion’s Honor

  1. Show the Cub Scout sign. Tell what it means.
  2. Repeat the Cub Scout motto. Tell what it means.
  3. Show the Cub Scout salute. Tell what it means.
  4. Show teamwork and good sportsmanship by playing a game with your den.
  5. Participate in an outing.

Fun on the Run

  1. Learn and demonstrate three exercises you can do each day.
  2. Have Lions make a nutritious snack for the den.
  3. Understand the importance of rest.
  4. Participate as a den in Jungle Field Day.

Animal Kingdom

  1. Learn the role of someone who provides a service to your community.
  2. Demonstrate you know what to do in an emergency.
  3. Choose two energy saving projects to practice in your home for two weeks,
  4. Participate in a Lion den family service project for others. (satisfied by the outing)

Mountain Lion

  1. Gather the outdoor items you need to have with you when you go on an outdoor adventure, and understand how they are used. Also understand and commit to practicing the buddy system.
  2. Learn what SAW (Stay, Answer, Whistle) means. Demonstrate what you can do to stay safe if you become separated from the group when you are outdoors.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of respect for animals and nature when participating in a learning hike.

King of the Jungle

  1. Participate in a flag ceremony with your den.
  2. Explain what it means to be a good citizen.
  3. Explain what it means to be a leader.

Try Cub Scouts with no commitment!

We welcome visitors to our Lion Den and Pack meetings to see if Cub Scouts is a good fit for your child.  Your child may visit 1 den meeting and 1 pack meeting before membership dues are required.  Simply fill out the contact form on our Contact Us page so that we can put you in touch with the appropriate den leader to coordinate your visit.